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How to deal with hate on social media

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Online hate is normal. So is envy.


“Digital is just a copy of reality. Man has the same thoughts, the same behaviors in the digital environment as well. The only difference is the context.” – Andrei Isip


In order to deal with hate, we need to understand a little where it comes from and what it has to do with us.


And to be very clear, a person’s hatred towards you does not say anything about you but only about that person.


When someone hates you or throws hateful comments at you, that person is most likely experiencing internal frustration. Many times, what we say or what we think about others is nothing more than a reflection of our own person.


If we hate something about a person, it’s only because we actually hate that thing about ourselves. And the fact that we see that in that person only tells us that we don’t want to be like them. So everything has to do with us.


So don’t let the hateful comments of others stop you from reaching your potential.


When you get comments like this, especially online, you have to understand that it’s normal. Most of the time these comments come from competitors or people who would like to do what you do. And somehow it’s a good sign when the haters start showing up. It’s a good sign because you start doing something good that bothers them.


You see, many only see their own interest. And they will shut you up.


But if you take a moment to analyze them, you will realize that this is how they are designed.


Remember this: a person who is above your level will never give you hate.Only people who are below your level. And your response to them (I mean the same coin response) only brings you down to their level.


So don’t go down there. Stay strong. Defend yourself. Try to bring them to your level, make them see the “light”.


And especially in public comments, be careful what you answer because everything you say is viewed by hundreds of other anonymous eyes just observing. And in those anonymous glances are your customers or your potential customers.


Turn all this hate in your favor.


Look at the bright side: every social media comment brings you more visibility.


Even if those comments are mean, don’t delete them. Don’t ignore them. Face them and generate more comments to be even more visible.



Furthermore, social media algorithms encourage hate.


There are many studies that show this.


We can say that Facebook likes to see hate.


In reality, it’s not about algorithms. They are set to show more posts where there is interaction ie comments.


It’s about people.


People react better to hate. This is the sad truth. We will always see more comments of hate than applause and gratitude.


So it’s perfectly normal what happens.


And with all that said, I hope I’ve given you some inspiration and courage to post on social media.



Stay strong.


– Andrei

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