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How to find good information on the Internet

  • Română
  • English
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I was in a marketer mastermind discussion this week. Among the topics discussed there, one of the members of this mastermind (a smart media buyer) mentioned in the discussion the idea of ​​”mental masturbation”.

What does this “mental masturbation” predict?

You know that moment when you enter an infinite loop of information and as you accumulate more and more, you realize how much you didn’t know and you want to keep knowing even more?

Well, that’s pretty much what it provides. In other words: you absorb too much information.

And I have to admit that I find myself there sometimes, especially on topics that I find “mindblowing”.

But there’s a problem there: you consume too much and you don’t get to apply everything you’ve learned. Only if you manage to pass on the information. It’s exhausting.


And why do I say it’s useless to have so much information? Besides the fact that you don’t get to use it to its full potential, much of the information “expires”. Because things change very quickly. Everything seems to evolve very quickly and if today a top piece of information was excellent, tomorrow it almost becomes useless. Okay, don’t get me wrong: some concepts, strategies, and principles remain the same. Others evolve, but over years. And even if the same information is just as useful years from now, it will no longer be considered so important because it automatically becomes very widespread. And the more accessible something is, the less interesting it becomes or perceived to be valuable to us (like the internet after all that we’ve become so used to), unfortunately.

They say that mentality only changes from generation to generation. It may be true, but I see in myself and those around me (close people who are continuously evolving) that it doesn’t take decades to make radical changes.

But returning to the topic of this email: how do you find quality information on the Internet?

I can tell you how I do it, because I ended up moving very quickly to quickly find information, or at least validate whether the news/information is real or not.

It’s not steps…it’s more of a combination of methods. I will list them below:

  • I go to Google and search for keywords about that topic (by keyword, I mean those specific texts that will give me specific results); The Faculty helped me a lot in this part, because I had different projects and unnecessary research to do… and you have to be an ace at finding good information on Google so that you can use it to quickly get rid of the burden
  • I go to social networks like TikTok, Twitter or even YouTube and search there for keywords on the topic. I generally use TikTok and Youtube, but if there is something specific to Twitter, that’s definitely where I look; These platforms are the best for research besides Google. Meta platforms (Insta, Facebook, Threads) are quite censored and I don’t see them as very convenient for finding things (except for Facebook groups); I don’t get tired at all on Linkedin. Although there is a good area to explore new ideas/topics
  • I get on ChatGPT and get it to help me ask questions I hadn’t thought of; Maybe I ask him some extra information on the subject to find out what I don’t know… for example:
  • I found an image on Facebook that represented the “key to the universe” according to Nikola Tesla; the image consisted of many numbers and mathematical calculations that rendered the numbers “3”, “6”, “9”.
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    • I uploaded the image to chatGPT and asked him to explain it to me; then I learned about the solfeggio
    • frequencies that are used in various meditation and healing practices;
    • later I asked him to give me specific examples for each individual frequency
    • then I found meditation videos on youtube with millions of views related to these frequencies and studied
    • the thousands of comments and it was very interesting what I saw there
    • then I googled the information further and came across some interesting articles and books
    • and since much of the “thickness of information” comes from books, I took the book titles and typed them into Google like this: “book title . pdf” – that’s how you find most books in free PDF format to download from Google – of course, I’m talking especially about the ones in English
    • then I start studying the books and deepening the information
    • and this is just 1 example of how you can from a simple image that comes randomly on your Facebook feed, to discover a whole encyclopedia about the mysteries of the world and quantum physics

The point is that you have to understand one thing:

It’s never enough to get information from just one source. Or listen to only one point of view.

You always have to see things from several perspectives and only then make some choices based on your own principles and values.

Otherwise, you risk consuming either erroneous information or half-truth information, interpreted only from a certain point of view of a person.

If you do, then I recommend you do a little work on how you do your own research. It’s ok to listen to different opinions, but it’s also important to see who you’re getting those opinions from and more than that…what interests does the person giving you those opinions or information have.

Because many times, the information is completely wrong or wrong just because it comes from the wrong person or just because it’s not you in the right context.

For example, I agree with the following: listen to those who are already doing it, who have results and proof that it works. Yes, I agree that you can’t ask an unemployed person for business advice. Or that you shouldn’t listen to advice on how to go viral on Youtube from a person with 10 subscribers on all their networks.

But on the other hand, not everything these people tell you is necessarily appropriate for your context.

In fact, this is where the bug is.

The context.

You see, maybe you’re like me and consume content from great entrepreneurs: Grant Cardone, Gary Vee, Alex Hormozi, Sabri Suby, Bob Proctor… or various very popular people on the internet.

They have a lot of content where they give advice on how things should be done. But those tips are appropriate for certain contexts.

That’s why it’s 100 times more valuable to get personalized advice. That is, someone (even those mentioned above), to sit with you, to understand what you have been through or what you are going through, and finally to give you the right advice for you.

It’s the same in business.

The more personalized the product or service, the more valuable it becomes. And it’s automatically more expensive.

That’s why a 1-on-1 consulting session with me may seem expensive at first glance, but that’s where the tip is. Because I come and listen to you. I help you quickly solve your challenges and get results. And everything is specific, on your resources. I don’t come and tell you to get 100,000 euros to do who knows what, because it’s not realistic.

And that is also the reason why I publish some of the content on the Internet. Because it’s more general. The more general information is, the more people it can help, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can offer mega-specific solutions.

For example, I can come and give you a complete tutorial about Facebook ads, but when we log into your account, we will see hundreds of mistakes.

Because this has happened so far with absolutely everyone who bought 1 on 1 consulting with me. There was something wrong with all of them and they couldn’t figure out what. Because they didn’t have my experience. They may have my knowledge, but they haven’t been through what I’ve been through. And then, in 10 minutes, I managed to solve their problems that had been stagnant for weeks.

I really remember a client who, in addition to seeing from me step by step how to optimize the campaign, saw specifically on his problem what to do and how. And in an online course or internet tutorial you can’t cover every detail or every unique situation.

And because you can’t help everyone either (because you don’t have enough time/energy), you can choose to do different system optimizations or create variants to help more people. That’s why I chose to systematize my information through the online courses I have. And when I have new collaborators in the business or people who want to learn what I know how to do, it’s easier to give them these ready-made and packaged systems than to go to each one with the same information.

Because many times, people want personalized help, but they are not necessarily able to understand that information. And then you reach that point where one counseling session is not enough for you and you need more. But it’s already getting expensive, isn’t it? And in order to please as many people as possible, without making compromises, I came up with several variants, adapted to different contexts.

So can you choose.

And another tip I’ll give you… related to choosing the right information:

  • do some research on the person giving the information
  • go to all the social media profiles and see what they are posting
  • go to Facebook groups and see what comments he has or what posts he has made (how smart/retarded/helpful/weak…)
  • go to the website and see what is written about him/her
  • see what others say about him/her (and from own reviews, but also by searching the internet for different opinions… on networks, on Youtube, on Google…)
  • check if it has evidence that it does what it says it does and that it is true what it says it is
  • ask left and right about that person
  • check their company/companies and the people they associate with (friends, colleagues, collaborators, etc.)
  • see what studies he has, media appearances, distinctions, awards…etc.
  • see what experience he has and what clients he has

That way you’ll at least have a more realistic view of the person in question and then it’s your decision whether it’s worth listening to them or not. Some are simple internet opinion givers who just have a lot of followers and nothing behind them. There are others who have done something. Some are profiteers of the moment, opportunists. Others are scammers.

Beware of the fake information presented. Be skeptical. Don’t believe everything you see.

And study the information in more depth, from several sides to find the right information.

It’s not really easy, but after you get used to it and get the hang of it, you’ll see that it’s a top and future skill that you’ll have acquired.

That would be it for now.

Oh, by the way! I started being quite active on Instagram Story. I don’t know if you’re following me. But usually, if I have something to say, that’s where I say it the fastest.

Maybe give me a follow 🙂

Stay strong!

Andrei Isip

✅ Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Online Consulting Session – 1-on-1 – I help you to achieve your business goals with digital marketing consulting, mentoring or coaching.

2. Online Marketing Services – Alongside with my team, we will help you to get more leads and make more sales.


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