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Paid Ads or Organic Posts?

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You have probably thought about this question at some point: What to choose? Paid Ads or Organic Posts?


Short answer: both.


Long answer:…



Before choosing one of the options, think about what your goals are and how long you want to achieve them.


If, for example, your goal is to earn 20,000 euros in the next 30 days, paid advertising is the solution.


If you have the same goal, but you want to reach this profit in the next 6 months, then it is quite possible that you need a combination of paid ads and organic posts.


If you have this goal and want to achieve it in a year, then I think you can go with organic posts only.


It all relates to the resources you have and the offer you have.


Your resources are:

– the money

– time

– the energy

– external help (eg: the team you belong to)

– the knowledge

– technical skills (work speed, video editing, post editing, content creation, etc.)

– soft skills (skills to speak in front of an audience, the way you present yourself and speak, intelligence, etc.)


Your offer can be a product or service, physical or digital. You can be the product yourself, if you want to earn money exclusively from fan donations. The offer can vary greatly and has its price which you set and its value which is set by the people you reach out to.


If people buy your offer, then it means that you have succeeded in creating something perceived as valuable and the price set is good.


If people don’t buy your offer, then it means that either the offer is not good, or you haven’t presented it well enough, or people don’t have enough faith in what you offer, etc.



Let’s see concrete examples for clarification:

Let’s say you offer 1-on-1 coaching sessions at 100 euros per hour. This is the offer you have.



Option A:

If you have money to invest at least 100 euros per day (what is the value of your product), you can make a good advertisement on Facebook to attract paying customers. Once you have at least 2 purchases that day, then you can say that you got your ad money back.


However, it is not very profitable to have only 2 sessions a day in this case, because you pay 100 euros for ads and you are left with 100 after doing 2 sessions.. In addition, there are also taxes and fees.


Ideally you would earn at least 6 paid sessions per day from this ad. But we’ll talk about ads separately on another occasion because there’s a lot to say there too. There are many variables at play.




Option B:

If you don’t have money to invest at least 100 euros per day, you can start publishing content online. You post on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Linkedin or wherever you think your target audience is.


In order to make money from coaching sessions, it may take a while to land a client. You have to be consistent in your posts, even post daily if possible and do it for the next 3 months without stopping.


Over time you will see your account grow naturally. Increase visibility, increase followers.. especially if you post video content.


But to publish video content you need a plan, ideas, a good system that will save you time and not make this experience something very stressful.


If you don’t have ad money, you may have access to help/team. It depends if you are solo or not. But how you allocate your resources is up to you.


The secret to making money from organic content is consistency.


Option C:

If you have money to invest and you have time (or you have a very well-established system and you are very organized), my recommendation is to invest in ads as well as in organic media content.


By doing this, you will not only have cash-flow quickly, but you will also gain visibility, followers, notoriety, etc.


And this notoriety will help you grow your brand in the online environment and people will have much more confidence in the offer you have.



Note: related to the budget of 100 euros per day.This budget is fictitious. The budget per day can be even higher and lower. I chose 100 euros per day because sometimes the simplest in the area of ​​paid advertising is to start fixed with the value of your offer. For example, if you sell a product for $200, then $200 per day in advertisements is a very good amount. Other marketers even recommend that the amount per day be at least 3 times the value of the product, but here it depends on each person.


I think it is important at the end of 2023 to be present online. Money is the result of your work, but being there at least daily will help you in the medium and long term.


It’s like the compounding effect of investments or the snowball effect.


As posts accumulate over time, people will start hearing about you and following you.


Of course, if you’re an introvert it’s harder. I myself am quite an introvert, but over time I overcame this limit through exposure:


– I gave presentations in front of people: although I was afraid of public speaking, I continued to go out in front and in time I realized that I didn’t suffer anything


Did you know that the fear of public speaking is sometimes perceived as stronger than the fear of death?


– continued to record, perform live and improve my speaking skills on camera and in front of an audience


Thus, through repetition, consistency and continuous improvement, I have created a system through which I not only manage to be present online almost daily, but I have also gained a lot of time thanks to the speed and the work system I have created.


Bottom line: be present online and also invest money in ads if you want to make money in the short term.


Stay strong!



✅ Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Online Consulting Session – 1-on-1 – I help you to achieve your business goals with digital marketing consulting, mentoring or coaching.

2. Online Marketing Services – Alongside with my team, we will help you to get more leads and make more sales.


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