How much do you know about life, the universe and the principles by which the whole world is guided?
Why do you think some people today enjoy a life full of abundance and harmony (both materially and spiritually), while others (the majority of the population) have various health, financial, and mental problems?
What do you think you need to do differently in life to enjoy every moment of it? What is life in the first place? What is beyond what we see and feel?
In this article I want to share with you a piece of what I have learned about some fundamental laws and principles about everything that surrounds us.
This information is very little to no media. Nobody talks about them. Every now and then you hear someone start talking about things that are beyond what most people can understand. And this information remains archived on the Internet, found, studied and understood only by those who want and are able to understand.
I have therefore endeavored to be as concise as possible, and to make sense of all these things, as I myself understood them, by reading hundreds of pages of ancient writings, and learning things from wiser and more learned men than me.
As the very title of this article says, we will discuss the “Secrets of the Universe”, seen from the perspective of a lesser-known philosophy (at least I very recently learned about it, and I wish I had learned about it sooner).
It is a very old philosophy (it is hard to say how old it is; some believe it is from the time of Egypt and ancient Greece – the writings being attributed to the legendary figure Hermes Trismegitus) and extremely interesting (you will see along the way what you find out more about her).
We’ll start at the beginning.
What is Hermetic philosophy
Hermetic philosophy, known as Hermeticism or Hermetism, is a spiritual tradition that has its origins in ancient writings attributed to Hermes, who was said to be a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.
The Hermetic Writings are a collection of texts covering a variety of topics such as philosophy, spirituality, mysticism, alchemy, astrology and even magic.
What are the key principles of Hermetic philosophy
Hermetic philosophy is guided by 7 key (universally valid) principles.
I will highlight them briefly, later we will go through them in a little more depth.
1. The principle of mentalism
This principle states that the underlying reality is mental in nature. It suggests that the universe is a manifestation of mind and that thoughts and consciousness play a fundamental role in shaping reality.
2. The correspondence principle
This principle states that there is a connection and correspondence between the different levels of reality, from the macrocosm (universe) to the microcosm (individual beings).
“As above, so below”
3. Principle of vibration
This principle emphasizes that everything is in a state of vibration and that different levels of vibration create different forms of matter and energy.
4. The principle of polarity
According to this principle, everything has an opposite or dual aspect. It suggests that opposites are interconnected and necessary for the existence of one over the other.
5. The principle of rhythm
This principle assumes that everything has a rhythm or cycle, and that these rhythms govern the patterns of life and the universe.
6. The principle of cause and effect
This principle states that every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. It emphasizes the idea that nothing happens by chance and that there is a chain of causes and effects underlying events.
7. The principle of gender
This principle suggests that gender is not only a biological concept, but also a spiritual and energetic one. It refers to the idea that masculine and feminine energies exist in all things and play a role in creation and transformation.
1. The principle of mentalism
“The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.” —The Kybalion
The principle of mentalism states that the universe is like a mental projection.
It is analogous to the fundamental concept of manifestation, where thoughts are used to shape one’s reality.
For anything to appear, a thought must come before it.
According to this principle, there is the belief that God embodies consciousness or thought, and the universe is an embodiment of God’s mind.
By adhering to this law, we also have the ability to tap into the potential of our minds to shape the life we aspire to achieve.
The principle of mentalism states that everything is fundamentally a manifestation of the mind.
It explains that the underlying reality, called “All”, is a universal, infinite, living mind. This principle makes it clear that the entire universe, including its phenomena, is a creation of this mind, and understanding it helps explain various mental and psychic phenomena.
By understanding this principle, people can understand the laws of the mental universe, apply them with intention, and gain mastery over their experiences. This principle also throws light on the nature of energy, power and matter, emphasizing their subjection to the mastery of mind.
How we apply the principle of mentalism
Think about the initial idea that got you reading this, regardless of the device you’re using. Also, consider the thought that most influences your mood at the moment.
As we recognize how much our thoughts materialize every day, whether internally as physiological or emotional states, or externally as actions or places we choose, it becomes apparent that by mastering the mind we are mastering our own lives.
Developing this ability is possible through spiritual techniques such as meditation, which help us train our minds.
Here I want to intervene even more specifically, with concrete examples from everyday life.
Look, you know very well that we live in a world full of distractions. There are so many things happening in the world and around us every second that it is impossible to cope with everything.
We have so many possibilities to consume our time and energy on external things: from endless scrolling on social networks like TikTok or Facebook, to forgetting about news, movies, and series.
We are surrounded in every way by technology and distractions. We are extremely influenced by the media, what happens in our lives, the people around us and everything we read and learn every day.
In short, we are surrounded by noise. And the worst thing is that this noise is external, which in most cases does not bring us fulfillment or anything positive in life. Yes, it’s nice to waste time scrolling and viewing 100 reels per hour. Yes, it’s nice to post and get your daily dopamine from likes, comments and views. Yes, it’s nice to give your opinion on the internet or do what others say you should do.
But here is the real problem. Suffocation.
The difference between a person who has and always seems to get what they want out of life is their own will. Any person (woman or man) who has an iron will, succeeds in whatever he sets his mind to, regardless of the context. And the difference between these people and those who are in their opposite, is the focus and action in a clear direction that they have chosen.
As you will see in the laws/principles of Hermeticism, everything happens for a purpose. And that purpose is guided/dictated by who wants it to happen in a certain way.
It is impossible to maintain an iron will, to be consistent, to win in life, if you are always distracted by what is around you.
How often have you set aside time each day to listen to your intuition? How much time have you taken to see the things that are inside of you rather than outside of you? How convinced are you of what you want from yourself or your life? How confident are you that you will succeed, no matter what? How much action have you taken lately to get what you want? How often have you changed your direction and goals? How often have you quickly given up on something because it didn’t work the first time?
As the mindset principle says, everything is created in the mind. That’s why it’s good to set off with the destination in mind. Concentrate and mentally project the destination you want to reach. Imagine everything as if it were right now. Try to visualize, feel, smell, touch what you want to get exactly as if you were now in the future when you already have that something. Treat everything as if you already have that money, those followers, those employees, etc.
Example: let’s say you want to be a well-known and popular beauty influencer with over 100,000 followers on Instagram. What would your posts look like at that point? How much work would you put into a post knowing that 100,000 people are watching? How would you handle things if you were already there? That’s exactly why it’s important to treat these things the same at the beginning of the journey. And do it consistently.
One interesting thing I see these days is that various (some even dubious) concepts of manifestation and meditation are being promoted quite heavily. Of course, if you study the subject a bit more, you will agree with some concepts because most of them also have a scientific basis. The problem is that there are these “sects” of people who promote relatively new ideas and concepts that are nothing more than a transposition from a different perspective on things that may by their nature represent the “ultimate truth”. Each person has his own perspective of seeing things.
The more you have control over your own emotions and really think for yourself (and are not easily influenced), you will accept some common principles/values in your life or even end up creating your own. Stupid people are easy to manipulate and control. An influential person with an iron will will be recognized as a leader in a group of weaker people.
That person will succeed in inducing their own concepts/ideas/values/principles into the minds and behaviors of the easily influenced. That is why real education does not take place in schools or state institutions. They were designed to create subjects of the system. People who have a will will eventually find their preferred way of life and lifestyle. They will reach a point where they are content with who they are. Or they will continue to improve, educate and self-improve their whole life. Here everyone makes their own choices and we don’t condemn anyone for what they do with their own lives.
We only condemn those who complain that they don’t have or that they have too little and do nothing about it. We condemn those who blame others for their own situation. We condemn those who do not take responsibility for their own problems in life. We condemn those who abuse power. We condemn callousness and forced exploitation. We condemn the indoctrination and destruction of the common good for one’s own selfish interests.
That being said, there is much to be said and learned from this mindset alone. As you can see, on my blog I have a category of articles only about mindset. I put a lot of emphasis on developing the mindset because it is the only thing that makes the difference between mediocrity and excellence.
2. The correspondence principle
“As above, so below; as below, so above.” —The Kybalion
We’ve all heard this quote before, but you may never have known that Hermes was the first to coin it.
It is closely related to the first principle of mentalism and states that what we have in our thoughts and minds will become our reality. He explains the many planes of existence, including those of lower and higher vibrational frequencies and how they are connected.
The principle of correspondence suggests that there is a correspondence or connection between the various planes of existence, from the macrocosm (the larger universe) to the microcosm (individual beings). This means that the patterns, structures and dynamics present at one level may reflect or correspond to those at another level.
According to this principle, the same laws, patterns, and relationships that exist in one level of reality can be found in others. For example, the patterns of the cosmos could be mirrored in the patterns of human experience or even in the structure of an atom.
The principle encourages understanding and meaning by drawing analogies between different levels of reality. By studying correlations and parallels, one can gain deeper insight into the nature of reality and its interconnectedness.
The correspondence principle has practical applications in various fields. In philosophy, it invites contemplation about the nature of existence and the relationships between the spiritual and material realms. In mysticism and spirituality, it suggests that understanding the patterns and laws that govern the universe can lead to spiritual enlightenment.
The principle can be used as a tool for personal growth and transformation. By recognizing the correspondence between our thoughts, emotions, and external experiences, we can work to align them for positive change.
In alchemical traditions, the Principle of Correspondence is vital. Alchemists sought to transform base materials into higher forms, and this transformation was believed to have parallels in the transformation of the self from a lower to a higher spiritual state.
The concept of correspondence has influenced both scientific and esoteric thought. In science, it has sometimes led to explorations of how patterns in nature might be mirrored on a large scale. In esotericism, it underlies practices such as astrology, where heavenly patterns are believed to correspond to events on Earth.
How we apply the correspondence principle
Applying this law means understanding your connection to the world around you and how you show up to yourself and the universe through your thoughts and subsequently your actions.
When we have a firm understanding of how we interact with life and how it affects us, we can recognize and break patterns, live in alignment with our highest good, and feel harmonious with all that exists.
Here are 10 steps to apply this principle in your life:
1. Development of consciousness
It begins by cultivating an awareness of the interconnectedness of the various aspects of your life. Reflect on how thoughts, emotions, actions and external experiences can relate to and influence each other. Be aware of what is happening around you. It is aware of its own existence. Become aware of your own awareness.
2. Searching for patterns
Look for patterns and analogies between different levels of reality. Think about how patterns in nature might relate to patterns in your own life, or how social dynamics might reflect personal relationships.
3. Analysis of relationships
When facing a challenge or making a decision, consider how different factors might correlate with each other. Are there similar situations in different areas of your life? How have you overcome similar challenges in the past?
4. Reflection on symbolism
Symbols and metaphors can provide insights into correspondences between different levels. Explore symbolism in myths, stories or dreams to see how they might relate to your own experiences.
5. Apply problem-solving
When trying to solve a problem, consider how solutions that have worked in one area of your life could be applied in another area. This cross-application can lead to creative solutions.
6. Exploring spiritual growth
Delve into spiritual practices that explore the interconnectedness of reality. Meditation, introspection, and contemplation can help you perceive deeper connections between your inner world and the outer universe.
7. Practicing concentration
Be aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions. Notice how they interact and influence each other. By understanding these interactions, you can consciously guide your own experiences.
8. Studying different disciplines
He studies various disciplines such as science, philosophy, spirituality and psychology. Learning about different perspectives on interconnectedness can broaden your understanding of the principle.
9. Application of holistic thinking
Adopts holistic thinking by considering the big picture and how various elements contribute to it. This can be helpful in decision-making and problem solving.
10. Cultivating intuition
As you become more sensitive to the Principle of Correspondence, you may develop a stronger intuition. Trust your intuitive wisdom about how different aspects of your life are connected.
3. Principle of vibration
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” —The Kybalion
The idea of vibrations has been around for a long time.
The principle of vibration states that all things, both physical matter and spiritual energy, possess a certain vibration. Basic science tells us that atoms are in constant motion, as is the universe itself.
Even our hearts, as they beat, release different vibrations depending on our emotional state. And when we “vibrate high” we are able to avoid low-level frequencies that do not serve us.
How we apply the principle of vibration
According to the principle of vibration, the differences between different forms of matter and energy are due to differences in their vibrational frequencies. Higher frequencies correspond to lighter, more subtle forms, while lower frequencies correspond to denser, more solid forms. Objects that share similar vibrational frequencies can resonate with each other, which can lead to interactions, attraction, or even transformation.
The principle suggests that thoughts, emotions and consciousness possess their own vibrational frequencies. Positive and negative emotions, for example, have different vibrational qualities. The quality of one’s experiences is influenced by one’s vibrational state. Positive thoughts and emotions resonate with higher frequencies and can attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts and emotions can resonate with lower frequencies.
That’s why it is recommended not to surround yourself with pessimistic or negative people because they can influence your perception of your own reality (thoughts), followed by emotions, behaviors and events in everyday life. A person who always thinks negatively, is always cautious and is afraid to act, will not be able to easily achieve what he set out to do. His own obstacles are not external, but internal (his own thinking – mentality).
If you listen to sad music and start thinking about past situations, you will start to cultivate negative, low-vibrational emotions. You will begin to feel sad even if you are not actually experiencing those moments/states at the moment. But their imaginary transposition into the present through memories affects your mood. Just as thoughts of the uncertain future cause you anxiety. The ideal is to live in the present and be present. You are always one thought/decision away from changing your entire state of mind, or the way you look at reality.
The principle of vibration implies that by consciously raising one’s vibrational frequency through positive thoughts, emotions and actions, an individual can attract more desirable experiences into their life. It has parallels with alchemical and spiritual practices. Alchemists aimed to transmute base substances into higher forms, and in a spiritual context, this can refer to the transformation of consciousness and state of being.
While Hermetic principles were developed long before modern science, there are connections between the Principle of Vibration and current scientific theories. In physics, concepts such as string theory suggest that the fundamental particles of the universe are essentially vibrations of energy.
Some holistic and alternative healing practices are based on the idea of vibrational healing. Techniques such as sound therapy, energy healing and even meditation aim to balance and raise one’s vibrational state for improved well-being.
That’s why a person who always thinks about (and accepts) the fact that he gets a cold once or twice a year, that’s exactly what happens. Because they channel their vibrations and energies that induce that state that will project into their own reality at some point, due to a negative belief.
Understanding the principle of vibration encourages us to pay attention to our thoughts, emotions and actions as they contribute to their vibrational state and consequently shape our own experiences. By consciously aligning thoughts and emotions with higher frequencies, people can attract more positive results and achieve personal transformation.
4. The principle of polarity
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. ” —The Kybalion
The principle of polarity explains that apparently opposite things are actually one and the same to varying degrees.
A simple example of this is hot and cold.
Cold is only the absence of heat, and both are one thing: temperature.
Physical matter and spiritual energy are the same thing, with spiritual energy vibrating at a much higher level so that it cannot be perceived by our senses. Love and hate are two ways of experiencing the same thing, a relationship with something. This is the foundation of alchemy, or the ability to “transmute” your experiences at will.
The interplay of polarities is integral to the balance and harmony of the universe. The existence of a pole depends on the existence of its opposite, and this dynamic balance maintains the order of the cosmos.
Everything is in a state of constant transformation. Poles can and do change over time, and one pole can turn into its opposite under certain conditions. By experiencing a pole, we gain a deeper understanding of its opposite. For example, we recognize heat by contrasting it with coldness, and we understand joy by contrasting it with sadness.
The principle also applies to human nature and emotions. Positive and negative emotions, such as happiness and sadness, are interconnected and provide a contrast that enhances our emotional experiences. Recognizing the principle of polarity can encourage people to seek balance in their lives. Striving for balance between different aspects of life can lead to greater overall well-being.
In alchemical traditions, the principle’s emphasis on transformation and opposites aligns with the goal of transmuting base materials into higher forms, symbolizing spiritual growth and self-improvement. Understanding the interconnectedness of polarities can lead to personal growth and development. Accepting challenges and difficulties as part of the same continuum as successes can foster resilience and adaptability.
The concept of polarity challenges simplistic notions of right and wrong, right and wrong, encouraging a broader perspective that recognizes the complexity and interdependence of opposing forces.
How do we apply the principle of polarity
Applying the principle of polarity requires a certain degree of mental toughness and involves changing the way you look at something. Take the hatred you might feel for someone: is there any way to change it to feelings of love, for example? Whenever a lower vibrational emotion gets you down, can you recognize it, feel it, and transmute it into a more positive one?
It recognizes that life is characterized by a constant interplay of opposites. Instead of focusing exclusively on one side of the situation, strive to find a balance between the polarities. This can lead to greater emotional stability and increased mental well-being. When you face challenges or difficulties, try to change your perspective to see the potential positives. Even in the face of adversity, there are lessons to be learned and opportunities for growth.
When faced with opposing viewpoints or different opinions, seek to understand the reasons and motivations behind them. This can lead to more empathetic communication and reduced conflict. Recognize that situations are subject to change and transformation. When you are going through a difficult phase, remember that it is part of a larger cycle and that change is inevitable.
Embrace diversity in all aspects of life. It understands that different cultures, beliefs, and experiences contribute to the richness of human existence, just as opposing forces contribute to the harmony of the universe. Reflect on your own emotions and reactions. Are there patterns of polarities in your emotional responses? Developing awareness of your emotional fluctuations can help you respond more consciously.
Confront labels and judgments that categorize experiences or people as purely positive or negative. Understand that every situation has layers and nuances that contribute to its overall impact. Express gratitude for both positive and negative experiences. Both contribute to your growth and understanding, allowing you to navigate life with a more balanced perspective.
In situations of conflict or division, focus on finding common ground and understanding. By acknowledging shared goals or concerns, you can work toward reconciliation. Embrace challenges and obstacles as opportunities for growth. Just as the interplay of polarities leads to the transformation of the universe, your own growth often comes through navigating opposing forces.
When making decisions, consider outcomes and potential impact from multiple angles. This broader perspective can help you make more informed choices. Recognize that positive and negative phases are temporary. Developing patience during difficult times can help you navigate life’s ups and downs with more ease.
5. The principle of rhythm
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” —The Kybalion
Closely related to the principle of polarity, the fifth principle states that between opposite poles, there is an inherent rhythm. The tides are constantly moving. High tide and low tide. We inhale and exhale. Everything is in motion. Nature has its seasons and so do we.
Understanding this principle allows us to recognize the natural rhythms of our lives and the universe so that we can work with them rather than making them work against us.
The Principle of Rhythm highlights the cyclical nature of existence. Just as the seasons change and the tides ebb and flow, events and experiences follow predictable patterns of rhythm. The concept of rhythm encompasses both high and low moments, with periods of success followed by challenges, and moments of struggle can lead to breakthroughs and growth.
This principle encourages acceptance of change and impermanence. Knowing that favorable and unfavorable situations are part of a larger cycle can help you navigate life’s challenges with a more balanced perspective. It is often associated with the Compensation Act. It suggests that the swing of the pendulum in one direction is balanced by its swing in the opposite direction, leading to equilibrium over time.
Understanding the cyclical nature of rhythm can help you make informed decisions. In times of success, you can prepare for future challenges, and in difficult times, you can hold onto hope for a return to ascension. By recognizing the ebb and flow of the rhythm of life, you can develop conscious acceptance. This means being present in every moment, whether it is a moment of high intensity or low, without becoming overly attached or resistant.
The Rhythm Principle encourages you to adapt to the natural rhythm of life instead of resisting or trying to control it. This mindset can lead to increased adaptability and resilience. Recognizing that difficult times are temporary can build patience and resilience. Just as the low flow of the sea gives way to the increased flow, difficult times will turn into more favorable phases.
The concept of rhythm also applies to personal growth. Self-improvement involves both periods of growth and introspection, and they are interconnected like the alternating beats of a heart. The Rhythm Principle encourages you to find meaning in both high and low moments. Difficult experiences can provide valuable lessons, and success can be more fully appreciated when you understand the effort that generated it.
Nature serves as a constant reminder of the Rhythm Principle. By observing cycles in nature, such as day and night or seasonal changes, you can gain insights into the rhythm of life. Understanding and aligning with the Principle of Rhythm can lead to a sense of harmony and balance in your life. Embracing the rhythm allows you to dance through life’s changes with grace and poise.
How we apply the principle of rhythm
Applying the principle of rhythm involves embracing the natural cycles and patterns of life and using this understanding to approach challenges, make appropriate decisions, and maintain a balanced perspective.
1. Awareness and acceptance
Develop awareness of the cycles and rhythms in your life, including high and low moments. Accept that change is inevitable and each phase has a purpose in your personal growth journey.
2. Navigating through challenges
When you face difficulties or obstacles, remember that difficult times are temporary and part of a larger cycle. This awareness can help you maintain resilience and maintain an optimistic outlook.
3. Conscious presence
Practice being present in every moment, whether it’s a time of success or a time of struggle. Mindful presence allows you to live life to the fullest without being too attached to either extreme.
4. Embrace balance
When making decisions, consider the natural rhythm of situations. He understands that after a period of growth, there may follow a phase of reflection or rest, and vice versa.
5. Learning from both extremes
Embrace the lessons and opportunities for growth from positive and negative experiences. Each phase contributes to your overall development and understanding.
6. Appreciation of success
When you experience success, take a moment to appreciate the effort that got you there and the natural rhythm that brought you to this point.
7. Preparing for future challenges
During periods of success, use the momentum to prepare for potential challenges ahead. This proactive approach can help you navigate difficulties with greater resilience.
8. Patience
In times of struggle, remember that the pendulum will swing back to a more positive phase. Cultivate patience as you wait for the pace to change.
9. Reflection and integration
During moments of introspection or low phases, reflect on experiences and insights gained during high-intensity phases. Use this time to integrate your learning.
6. The principle of cause and effect
“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.” —The Kybalion
Everything is connected by the principle of cause and effect, for every cause of one thing is only the effect of another, going back to the origins.
Ask yourself: are you a cause? Or are you an effect? This principle is about recognizing the effects of our thoughts and behavior and how we can change them to produce greater effects.
The Principle of Cause and Effect emphasizes that nothing happens by chance or without a reason. Each event, situation, or experience is the result of specific causes that precede it and, in turn, becomes the cause for subsequent effects. This principle is considered one of the fundamental laws that govern the universe. It suggests that there are constant and predictable relationships between causes and their effects, forming a web of interconnected events.
It implies a deterministic side to the universe, suggesting that given the same series of causes, the same effects will always follow. This idea has implications in philosophy and debates about free will. The concept of karma, present in various spiritual traditions, closely aligns with the Principle of Cause and Effect. It suggests that our actions have consequences and that we are responsible for the results of our choices.
By recognizing the principle of cause and effect, individuals can better understand the results of their decisions. This encourages careful consideration before acting, as the effects will spread beyond the immediate moment. When faced with challenges or circumstances, understanding the principle of cause and effect can help you analyze the underlying causes. By addressing root causes, you can work to solve problems more effectively.
This principle can be applied to intentional creation. By understanding the causes that lead to desired effects, individuals can consciously shape their lives and outcomes through purposeful action. The principle of Cause and Effect encourages the search for deeper understanding of the relationships between events. This can lead to wisdom gained by understanding the long-term implications of actions. It aligns with the scientific method and the idea that natural phenomena have underlying causes. Philosophically, it raises questions about determinism, causality, and the nature of reality.
Accepting the principle of cause and effect encourages taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions. It promotes the idea that individuals have the power to shape their lives through their choices. Understanding that actions have consequences highlights the ethical dimension of decision-making. It causes individuals to consider the potential effects of their actions on themselves and others.
The principle encourages a holistic view of events. Rather than isolating individual events, it requires consideration of the larger context and the intricate web of causes and effects.
How do we apply the principle of cause and effect
Applying the Principle of Cause and Effect involves recognizing the interconnected nature of events, understanding the consequences of your actions, and making decisions carefully. Here are some steps to apply this principle to our lives:
1. Awareness
Develops an awareness of the interconnectedness of events. Recognize that every action you take, every thought you have, or every decision you make can have consequences that go beyond the immediate moment. Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment. This awareness can help you make conscious decisions aligned with positive outcomes.
2. Wise decisions
Before making decisions, consider the potential effects of your actions. Reflect on how your choices can affect you, others and the world around you.
3. The assumption
Take responsibility for your actions. Understand that the effects of your choices are not isolated, but contribute to the larger picture of events.
4. Reflection
Analyze the events of your past and consider how your past actions and decisions led to specific outcomes. This retrospective analysis can provide insights into the principle of cause and effect.
5. Long-term thinking
When planning for the future, consider the long-term consequences of your choices. Think beyond immediate gratification and consider the effects over time.
6. Karma and ethics
Reflect on the ethical implications of your actions. Consider whether your choices are consistent with your values and contribute positively to your own growth and the well-being of others.
7. Personal growth
Embrace challenges and difficulties as opportunities for growth. By understanding the principle of cause and effect, you can learn from past mistakes and make more informed decisions in the future.
8. Seeking wisdom
Constantly seek to deepen your understanding of the relationships between actions and results. Wisdom comes from recognizing patterns and making wiser decisions based on past experiences.
9. Avoidance of guilt
It recognizes that assigning blame is not the only purpose of understanding the principle of cause and effect. Focus instead on learning and personal growth.
10. Learning and Sharing
Share your knowledge of the principle of cause and effect with others. By understanding its implications, individuals can make more informed decisions and contribute to a more harmonious world.
11. Meditation and contemplation
Spend time in meditation or contemplation to reflect on the principle of cause and effect. Consider the after-effects of your actions and cultivate a greater sense of responsibility.
12. Intentional Actions
Make a conscious effort to align your actions with positive intentions. Consider the potential effects before you act and choose actions that promote well-being for yourself and others.
13. Learning from others
Observe how the principle of cause and effect works in the lives of others. By studying the consequences of their actions, you can gain valuable insights to make better decisions.
14. Continuous learning
Apply the lessons learned from understanding the principle of cause and effect to constantly improve your decision-making and contribute positively to your journey of personal growth.
7. The principle of gender
“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.” —The Kybalion
The principle of gender, as outlined in Hermetic philosophy, assumes that there is an aspect of gender present in everything that exists in the universe. This principle goes beyond the traditional concept of gender associated with human beings and encompasses a broader understanding of the polarities and dualities that exist in all aspects of existence. All things have masculine and feminine qualities. The two sexes can be thought of as a physical manifestation of this principle, but as we all come to understand, internally, we all possess both energies. (Think left and right brain.)
Masculine and feminine energy exist not only on the physical plane, but also on the mental and spiritual plane. The unity of these two energies is essential to creation, and when one has a balance of both, they are better able to apply all principles together for maximum benefit.
Just as the interplay of masculine and feminine energies in nature leads to the creation and generation of new life, the Gender Principle suggests that the interplay of polarities is responsible for ongoing creation and transformation in the universe. This balance is crucial to maintaining balance and allowing the cycles of creation, growth and dissolution to proceed harmoniously.
The principle of Gender applies to both the inner and the outer world. It can be seen in the balance between intuition (feminine) and logic (masculine), as well as the way ideas are generated and manifested. In alchemical traditions, the Gender Principle is often linked to the concept of spiritual and psychological transformation. The union of opposing energies in the individual’s consciousness can lead to greater self-knowledge and personal growth.
The principle of Genus extends beyond physical beings and can be metaphorically applied to philosophical and abstract concepts. For example, qualities such as strength and gentleness can be seen as embodying masculine and feminine energies, respectively. The principle encourages transcending the limitations of binary thinking and embracing a more holistic understanding of existence. It reminds us that the universe operates on a spectrum of energies, not strict categories.
Some spiritual and mystical traditions interpret the Gender Principle as a metaphor for the sacred union of opposing forces, such as the union of the divine masculine and divine feminine within each individual. Applying the Gender Principle involves recognizing and balancing the energies within yourself and your environment. This principle encourages embracing and integrating both aspects of your being, whether you identify as male, female, or beyond the traditional gender binary.
How do we apply this principle?
1. Recognition of duality
Understand that there are masculine and feminine energies in all aspects of life. Be aware that these energies are not limited to biological genders, but are aspects of the polarities present in all that exists.
2. Internal balance
It encourages the balance of masculine and feminine energies within you. Consciously explore and integrate these energies to increase your sensitivity and inner strength.
3. Relationships and communication
Apply the principle to your relationships. Understand how interactions between masculine and feminine energies can bring harmony and balance to your relationships with others.
4. Decisions and actions
When you make decisions or take actions, think about how they can combine masculine and feminine aspects to bring balance and harmony to your life.
5. Creation and expression
Apply the principle to your creative pursuits and artistic expression. Explore how the balance of energies can bring depth and meaning to your creativity.
6. Emotional balance
In times of stress or emotional imbalance, think about how the balance between masculine and feminine energies can help restore inner harmony.
7. Self-knowledge
Reflect on how these energies manifest in you. Understand how masculine and feminine qualities influence your thoughts, actions and emotions.
8. Spirituality and consciousness
Apply the principle to your spiritual exploration. Understand how masculine and feminine energy can co-exist in your spiritual development process.
9. Community and society
Understand how these energies can bring balance and harmony within community and society. It contributes to the creation of a more balanced and harmonious environment.
10. Holistic thinking
Apply the principle to your daily thinking. Understand how the balance of masculine and feminine energies can help you make more informed decisions and navigate life more wisely.
11. Acceptance of divinity
Understand how this principle can support the acceptance of diversity in all its forms. Appreciate that all aspects are part of a balanced whole.
12. Meditation and reflection
Through meditation and quiet moments, reflect on the masculine and feminine energies within and around you. This can bring more awareness and understanding.
“The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like hoarding of precious metals — a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces” —The Kybalion
The Hermetic teachings, though long kept precisely locked away in the minds of the possessors who enjoyed them, were not meant to be kept closed or secret.
Take all these teachings, put them through the filter of your thinking, analyze them and put them into action. Change will occur gradually and gradually, through a compounding effect. Return to these teachings from time to time (or study them in depth by reading books on the Hermetic writings – such as “The Kybalion – Three Initiates”), because as you gain more knowledge and experience in life, you will look at each given these lessons with different eyes. We know well that two people looking at the same object can see completely opposite things. For one of them, that object can represent something extraordinary, valuable, useful. For the other, it can represent a burden, a nothingness, an insignificance. Both are absolutely right.
Although there is the principle of poles, as highlighted above, which clearly indicates that everything has a distinct duality (when good follows bad, when bad, good follows), the Hermetic teachings show us that we can maintain the attraction of one of the poles for a very long time. So, a man who manages to reach financial abundance, will not lose it overnight, if he manages to keep emotional states, created habits, caution in check. This is why the richest people keep getting richer and don’t stop working even after they have accumulated exponential fortunes.
Hermetic philosophy shows us that it is not necessary to reach the depths of bitterness in order to be able to experience the abundance and prosperity of life at some point in life. It depends a lot on where you focus: do you choose to see the full side, or the empty side of the glass?
We have the power to change our own polarity and our own rhythm, while contributing to the mental shift that will ultimately generate a real transposition of the imaginary. In order to make this possible we must raise our ego mental vibrations above the ordinary plane of consciousness (ie accepting the reality of the present as that which you mentally manifest and denying all that contradicts these thoughts).
If you want to learn more about hermeticism, I recommend you to google more, including books/writings in English (then give translation).
Of course, if you want to pay attention to the subject and know it in depth (because, as I said, this is only a fragment of all the information), you will have to put in the necessary effort.
Whether or not we accept these universal laws/principles, or whether or not we are aware of their presence, they nevertheless occur and manifest. Just as in the morning it is day outside and in the evening it is night, just as we need food, water, air, rest to survive, so there are some laws that work continuously. And I believe that all the highlighted laws fall under “common sense”, they are logical, scientifically proven, exemplified and even lived by each of us.
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