Today I want to talk about the concepts of the book “Think & Grow Rich” written by Napoleon Hill and how we adapt them in today’s world of marketing and entrepreneurship.
I first read this book around 2017 and to be honest, I realized I didn’t understand it very well at the time.
You know what they say… it’s one thing to have access to information and another to understand it. It’s the same today with all the new AI technology and the infinity of information available to us. We can have the answer to all our questions right in front of our eyes, and it would be for nothing if we didn’t know how to decipher that information.
That is why the value of information is subjectively perceived by each of us.
I, for example, have made it a habit to skip everything that is irrelevant to me and I try as much as possible to take what interests me from a book, from a webinar, from a conference, from a course , etc. That’s why I’ve gotten used to being very careful about how I channel my energy when going through an information because that way I gain even more time and have more time left to act.
So, back to thinking and being rich.
I personally recommend that you read it if you haven’t. Moreover, I recommend you re-read it if you haven’t read it in a long time. I rarely skim through it anymore to remember a few essential things from it.
Especially since lately I’ve been seeing more and more videos and information about the law of attraction, manifestation and more.
Let’s briefly recall what each chapter is about:
1. The book begins by telling us why it is very important to have a burning desire for success (if we want it).
2. We must write down our long-term goals and the goals that are closely related to this desire to achieve them.
3. Visualizing the end point we want to reach must be practiced daily.
4. Autosuggestion influences our subconscious mind to take the right ideas and decisions to act on.
5. It is important to specialize and gain more knowledge to succeed.
6. Imagination is the key from which everything starts. We must think for ourselves and use our imagination to create what is necessary to help us achieve those goals.
7. We need to create an action plan to follow.
8. To be able to achieve our goals, we must act, not procrastinate. So it’s important to make everyday decisions and “give it a shot”.
9. You have to be persistent. Maybe you don’t get it from the first or even from the X, but if you adapt and optimize you will definitely succeed.
10. It’s hard to achieve great success alone. We need those around us. We need “a collective mind”.
11. This is about sexual energy. It has quite a lot to do with the principle of gender in Hermetic philosophy (point 7).
12. Everything is universally interconnected. Use the power of intuition because the answers are already inside you.
13. Your thoughts are influenced by what you transmit and what you receive from around you. Be careful what information you surround yourself with and what environment you live in.
14. Use your intuition to guide you in making the right decisions.
15. Conquer your fears. Everything you really want is outside your comfort zone.
16. Negativism will prevent you from getting what you want. It’s easy to fall into this toxic trap.
17. Think for yourself. Your brain has amazing capabilities, but it depends on how you use/train it day to day.
18. Try to learn more and understand more about the subconscious mind. Here I also recommend the book “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy.
19. You can connect to universal intelligence by practicing meditation. Here I recommend you look up more about guided meditation or other forms of meditation.
20. Make more effective decisions. Avoid procrastinating.
21. It’s important to develop a process for accessing your creative genius. Humans are creative beings. We all have the ability to create. Everything starts with a thought.
22. There are certain universal laws that if you understand, you are guaranteed to achieve the success you desire.
23. Be master of your own beliefs and principles. Overcome the negative influences of the crowd.
24. Adversity and challenges should be viewed as temporary tests that the universe throws your way to see if you are worthy.
25. Faith is another key element. You have to believe in yourself and in the universal laws to win.
26. In the pursuit of gold, make sure you don’t lose yourself. Do not violate your principles of life. Be a person of value. Take advantage of opportunities but don’t tarnish your reputation and don’t make selfish messes.
I observe day by day and am amazed how so many things are presented without substance and only as a facade.
In marketing and business we need to think in order to achieve great things. Sure, it’s important to know certain tools or methods, but if you always use what others tell you, you won’t stand out from the crowd. The best way these days to make a difference is authenticity. And this authenticity only comes from thinking for ourselves.
Until then, have a nice weekend and stay strong!
✅ Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:
1. Online Consulting Session – 1-on-1 – I help you to achieve your business goals with digital marketing consulting, mentoring or coaching.
2. Online Marketing Services – Alongside with my team, we will help you to get more leads and make more sales.
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