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The secrets of success in a few lines

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Have you read the classic personal development books by Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie?

I do. I read them a long time ago, right at the beginning of my personal development, after I finished high school. And they helped me a lot, but only now, after 7 years, I think I understood them at the true level.

And not only did I understand them, but I began to believe in them even more. Especially in those things that are harder to explain (the most “supernatural”), related to the subconscious and how we attract things into our lives based on what we think and how we think.

And I have confirmed these things from experiments both on my own skin and from examples from other close people and strangers.

Basically, all these books talk in different ways about the power of thought, that is, about the mindset we need to develop in order to “deserve” what we want in life.

We find such things both in these older writings and in newer ones. There are even scientists who really wanted to find explanations for these seemingly paranormal things. And they succeeded. In Joe Dispenza’s books we can read about experiments and tests done on people (that is, actually brain-level analysis).

Here are some key takeaways from these experiences and learnings:

– the way we think influences everything that happens to us in life



If we always focus on problems, worries, needs and lacks, this is exactly what we will continue to have and this is exactly what will continue to happen to us.

If we are envious, spiteful, hateful, we attract exactly what we give and emit.

If we always blame others and don’t take ownership of what we can control (our own reactions, actions, emotions), we get stuck in these bubbles.

If we are fearful, afraid of what others say and live in lies, we again attract to us what is negative and bad.


If we always have a smile on our face, we enjoy the success of others (even our competitors), we give without expecting to necessarily receive in return, we also live for others, not just for ourselves and to feed our own ego, then we will get back tithe.

Prosperity, abundance, health and well-being are our normal conditions of life. If you feel like it’s not and you’re not surrounded by it, then you need to understand that you might have a problem. That problem may be a blockage, a habit, or something that has been ingrained in the depths of your subconscious mind since childhood.


If you were raised from a young age with the idea that money is not good, it is hard to get, happiness is only for poor people, life is hard and tough, you have to work hard to get what you want, etc. Well, that’s why now it’s very possible to find yourself in these situations.

Good Andrei, but how can I make it better and get what I want?

First, educate yourself. The most valuable information is hidden in books. We also find them with the portion through podcasts, posts on social media, videos from X and Y or through some webinars. But if you want to understand more deeply, you have to be self-taught, take it in stride and know. You don’t have to overdo it. There is no need to “fill” yourself with information to the point of ecstasy. All you have to do is make a habit out of it just like you are used to brushing your teeth for a few minutes every day.

Some simple techniques would be:

– practicing gratitude (write down daily at least 5 things you are grateful for)

– meditation (here there are several types, including prayer is a very powerful form of meditation)

– visualization (try to feel, hear, smell and see what you want to get and do it in such a way that you think it is already yours)

– self-discipline (you learn to be disciplined and stick to what you set out to do)

– reflection (at the end of the day, week or month, write down everything you have noticed about yourself: everything you did well, everything you learned, everything you can improve)

– start giving more of what you know (information is unlimited and just a click away; why keep it to yourself? people can always find out what you already know, but it’s better to learn from you and that’s how you create and strengthen the relationships you have)

In other words, life is beautiful and we must enjoy every moment.

✅ Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Online Consulting Session – 1-on-1 – I help you to achieve your business goals with digital marketing consulting, mentoring or coaching.

2. Online Marketing Services – Alongside with my team, we will help you to get more leads and make more sales.


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