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How your food affects your work results

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I have one day each month that I dedicate to optimization.

On this day I think about all the activity I have carried out in the last month and that which I will carry out in the next month. I go back over the short, medium and long term goals I’ve set to see if I’m on the right track or off track.

This helps me always stay on top of things or quickly undo something I started testing and it didn’t work.

That’s how we got to the food.

As you may know, business is not just about what you do in business.

A lot of it has to do with the lifestyle I’ve adopted.

Results come through hard work and good decisions. These are influenced to a very large extent by the emotions we experience every day.

And these emotions are influenced by both external factors (which sometimes cannot be controlled) and internal factors (ie what we think about ourselves, the way we think, our daily habits).

Food has a very important role, both for improving health, mood and for the results we have in business.

Here is a method by which I have optimized my diet in the last year:

If you think about it, all people regularly eat about the same 5 dishes (ex: chicken with rice, omelette with ham, pizza, etc.).

And in general, everyone eats 3 times a day (well, there are exceptions, it depends on what diets you have and what other goals related to the physical appearance; debatable).

So, I thought that I waste quite a lot of time every time I have to eat, not only because I have to eat but also because I always have to think about what to make for myself, and then I waste a lot of time preparing food.. and some days of the week I also waste a lot of time shopping and thinking about what I need to buy to be able to prepare that dish.

And for more than 6 months, I managed to eat the same meals every day:

– I eat the same things in the morning and at lunch

– in the evening I either eat once I have eaten for lunch, or I eat depending on the context (for example the location where I am)

Of course, snacks vary and there are times when I eat between meals.

But in the most simplistic way, that’s how I did it.


Well, one of my goals is to feel good and look good every day. In order to do this, I need to exercise regularly and have a healthy and balanced diet. Fortunately, I don’t need to lose weight, but I still need to put on muscle mass to achieve the look I want.

Now, if you’re interested in the topic, there are 3 big goals related to physical appearance: you want to lose weight, you want to gain weight, or you want to maintain it.

Strictly for these goals, all you have to do is calculate the number of calories you consume daily. And once you’ve done the math, all you have to do is stick to the numbers.

How do you respect them?

Well, if you want to lose weight, you have to be in a caloric deficit. That is, either to eat less, or to eat specific foods. You can eat anything as long as you don’t exceed the number.

Once you get used to the calculations, you’ll see that an ice cream has a lot of calories, as does a shaorma. But if you follow the calorie count, you can eat shaorma daily (Is it healthy? No. But that doesn’t stop you from losing weight).

If you want to gain weight, you must be in a caloric surplus. If you want to develop your muscle mass, you must also be in a caloric surplus and exceed a specific number of proteins consumed daily.

Okay, strictly eating won’t give you that toned and muscular look either. This is developed by going to the gym or playing sports. But at least you look ok and not obese or anorexic.


For caloric calculation there is also a formula that I published on my Facebook page.

This information is simple, but fitness trainers make a fortune based on it.

So as not to make it too long, here is the summary:

Do you want good results in business?

– optimize


What can you optimize?

– food would be one of the hundreds of things you can optimize



– you don’t waste so much time thinking about what to eat

– you feel better if you eat healthy

– you feel better if you look good
– the way you feel influences your decisions and daily activity => increased productivity => better results

How can you optimize your diet?

– you make a list of the same dishes to eat every day (this also includes studying the number of calories, proteins, studying the quality of the food you buy, etc.)

– when you go to the store you buy everything you need for several days (so that you don’t go to the store every day and waste time there too)

– you set aside a few hours a week to prepare the food ahead of time and have it ready

That’s about it.

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Stay strong.

– Andrei

✅ Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Online Consulting Session – 1-on-1 – I help you to achieve your business goals with digital marketing consulting, mentoring or coaching.

2. Online Marketing Services – Alongside with my team, we will help you to get more leads and make more sales.


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